Anonymous businessman donates $800,000 to struggling Food Bank

Last week, an anonymous local benefactor stepped up, generously donating $800,000 to cover all expenses tied to relocating the Auburn Food Bank. This crucial contribution swiftly resolved a lingering challenge for the Food Bank, its director Debbie Christian, and the dedicated staff. The main issue centered around the agency’s inability to move to its nearly finished new facility due to an outstanding debt with the contractor.

Debbie Christian, who has served as the executive director since 2006, expressed her gratitude, stating, “I am going to be able to pay my debt, and I am going to be able to shake the hand of the contractor and say thank you very much for your wonderful work.”

Debbie Christian, overjoyed, recounted the heartwarming tale of an unexpected call she received from a young woman earlier in the week. This individual, inquiring about the Food Bank’s plans and financial needs, turned out to be a representative of the benevolent businessman behind the extraordinary donation.

“She had a bunch of questions to ask about what we were doing, and where we were going, and why did I need $800,000,” Christian told KING 5.

The timing of this act of kindness couldn’t have been more opportune, considering the uncertainties in the economy, rising inflation, and a surge in demand for food assistance. The previous week saw a record high in requests for help at the food bank, underscoring the critical need for its services.

Stressing the urgency for expanded space, Christian highlighted that the current facility has long been inadequate, lacking sufficient room even for food boxes. With the demand for services escalating this year, the Auburn Food Bank is now poised to reopen in its enhanced space by January 2024, thanks to the anonymous philanthropist’s Christmas miracle at Thanksgiving.

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