Airbnb renters refuse to leave, put up no trespassing sign on North Carolina woman’s property

A North Carolina single mother, endeavoring to support her son’s college aspirations, now faces a challenging ordeal with Airbnb guests who have turned into squatters, stubbornly refusing to vacate her rental property. This situation has left her devoid of income for an extended period.

The predicament unfolded when Farzana Rahman, residing in the Durham area, hosted guests on October 25, with a scheduled check-out date of May 24.

However, upon the arrival of Rahman’s housekeeper at the rental property, it became apparent that the guests were still occupying the premises and adamantly declined to leave, as reported by the local ABC affiliate.

“They answered the door and said, ‘No, we haven’t moved out.’ She asked, ‘Should I come tomorrow?’ And they replied, ‘No, don’t come back,'” Rahman recounted.

Rahman then visited the property with the police. The renters promised the officer they would leave first thing in the morning, but the next day, they were still there.

Instead, they had posted a handwritten no trespassing sign on the door, stating, “We will vacate the property when you file the proper paperwork with the civil magistrate for an eviction, for we are legal residents of this home.”

Desperate for assistance, Rahman contacted Airbnb, as she had another long-term renter scheduled to move in. However, she found Airbnb unhelpful.

Rahman has now filed eviction paperwork with the courts to regain possession of her rental. “It’s wasted my time; it is wasting my energy; it is stressing me out,” she said.

The court date for the eviction is set for the week of June 13.

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