South Korea district offers 1 million won just for starting romantic relationship through event

In a bid to tackle South Korea’s persistently low birthrate, local and central governments are rolling out innovative policies to encourage marriage and childbirth.

Among these initiatives, the Saha District Office in Busan has introduced a unique approach: offering cash incentives to couples who begin romantic relationships through a district-organized matchmaking event, The Korea Times reported.

The Saha District Office announced on Wednesday that the district council has approved a supplementary budget bill to fund a mass blind-dating event aimed at both Korean and foreign singles. The event, scheduled for October, will target young adults between the ages of 23 and 43 who either reside or work within the district.

Participants in this matchmaking event will have the opportunity to receive significant financial rewards. If a man and a woman decide to start a romantic relationship as a result of the event, they will receive a cash bonus of 1 million won (approximately $720).

The incentives do not stop there—couples who hold a “sang-gyeon-rye,” a traditional meeting between the families of the couple often preceding a wedding, will receive an additional 2 million won. Should the couple decide to marry, they will be awarded a substantial bonus of 20 million won.

Furthermore, the district office has pledged to provide housing support to married couples for up to five years, aiming to alleviate some of the financial pressures that young couples face.

While the exact rules and scale of the event have not yet been disclosed, the district office plans to carefully review applications and conduct interviews to select participants.

The office is optimistic about the event’s potential success and has expressed interest in making it an annual tradition if it proves effective in fostering relationships and attracting attention. Plans are also in place to expand the event to include more non-Korean participants in the future.

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